- 🤔 What is a Planned session?
- ⏰ General settings
- 🔁 Recurrence
- 😀 Participants
- 📝 Agenda
- 😎 Hide the agenda
- ⚙️ Advanced settings
- 👉 Sessions settings:
- 👉 Access settings:
🤔 What is a Planned session?
A Planned session is a meeting you schedule for the future. It doesn’t start automatically as an Instant session does, which gives you the opportunity to prepare every aspect of the meeting.
To create a future session, click on the Planned session button from Home.
⏰ General settings
This is the part where you set up the basic details of your session: name, date, time, email reminders.
You can also switch to a different time zone. It might be easier to plan the session according to your participants’ time, for example.
🔁 Recurrence
You can schedule repetitive sessions if you want. The recurrence can be daily, weekly or monthly. To configure it, click under Repeat.
😀 Participants
Here is where you invite your participants with their email addresses. Those invited will receive an email with the session link.
📝 Agenda
You can add an agenda to your meeting by clicking on Select agenda. You’ll see a list of all the agendas you've built or the ones shared with you. It also redirects you to Agendas in a new tab if you want to create one from scratch.
You can always add an agenda from the Lobby or later on, during the live session.
😎 Hide the agenda
You can choose to hide your session's agenda right from the planning stage:
- Click on Home → Planned session.
- Click on Access settings.
- Go to View agenda. Select who you want to see the agenda: Everyone, Hosts & Speakers, Hosts.
- Done.
⚙️ Advanced settings
Here is a list of all the settings you can configure before the meeting starts:
👉 Sessions settings:
- Reactions: Choose who can send reactions: everyone or just hosts.
- Screen sharing: Choose who can share their screen.
- Allow camera: Choose who can switch on their cameras.
- Allow microphone: Choose who can unmute their microphones.
- Hide inactive participants: If enabled, participants whose microphones and cameras are off will be hidden from view.
- Automatic recording: Automatically start recording when the session goes live.
👉 Access settings:
- Lock session: If enabled, you as Host, will approve each attendee before they can join.
- Request guest email: If someone without a Sessions account wants to join, they have to provide their email address.
- Memory access: Allow who can access to the recording, resources, and analytics.
- View agenda: Choose who can see the agenda: everyone or just moderators (Hosts and Co-Hosts).
When you’re finished, click Schedule session. You’ll be redirected to the session’s Lobby.