- 🙌 How to record a session or event:
- ⏰ Auto-start recordings:
- 👉 Set up automatic recording as default for all future sessions/events
- 🏋️ How to access your recordings:
- 📝 Recording particularities:
Sessions cloud-based recordings are created from a participant’s perspective. This way, Hosts or Assistants don't have to worry about having enough storage space available for the recording, and participants can revisit the recording anytime they want, in Memory.
🙌 How to record a session or event:
- Start a session or event.
- Click on the Recording (🔴) button (bottom center, between Reactions and the full-screen button).
- Done.
⏰ Auto-start recordings:
As the host or assistant, you can schedule the recording to start automatically when the session or event starts.
- Planned session
When you’re configuring the planned session, you can enable the option for the recording to start automatically when the session begins.
- Go to Home.
- Click on Plan a session for later.
- Go to Automations.
- Enable Automatic recording.
- Done. When this session (only) starts, it will automatically start the recording.
- Booked sessions
When you’re configuring the planned session, you can enable the option for the recording to start automatically when the session begins.
- Go to Home.
- Click on Book me (left sidebar).
- Click on New booking (or click on Edit booking page if it’s already configured).
- Go to Automations.
- Enable Automatic recording.
- Done. When any booked session starts, the recording will also start automatically.
- Rooms
- Go to Home.
- Click on Rooms (left sidebar).
- Click on New room (or click on Edit room if it’s already configured).
- Go to Automations.
- Enable Automatic recording.
- Done. Each session that happens in that room will automatically be recorded when it starts.
- Events
- Go to Home.
- Click on Events (left sidebar).
- Click on New event (or click on Edit event if it’s already configured).
- Go to Automations.
- Enable Automatic recording.
- Done. Each session that happens in that room will automatically be recorded when it starts.
👉 Set up automatic recording as default for all future sessions/events
If you want to change the default settings for a session or event and have the recording start automatically always, follow these steps:
- Go to Home.
- Click on your Profile (lower left corner).
- Click on Account settings.
- In General settings, click on the Session settings tab.
- Select what template you want to edit. More specifically, for what gathering type you’d like to change the default settings:
- Instant session template
- Planned session template
- Booked session template
- Room template
- Event template
- Scroll down to Automations.
- Enable Automatic recording.
- Scroll down and click “Save template”.
🏋️ How to access your recordings:
- Go to Sessions Home.
- Access Memory (left sidebar).
- Find the session or event you want to revisit and click on it.
- Click Play recording.
- A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to watch the recording.
On the left side of the pop-up windows, access More options (⋮) to:
- Download the recording to your local device
- Delete recording
📝 Recording particularities:
- In Breakout Rooms, you can not start recordings in the rooms. However, you can record the activity in the main room.